Press Release – South Koreans rally to condemn Maduro’s election fraud in Venezuela, following in the steps of Kim Jong-un’s totalitarianism
Seoul, South Korea – Over 300 representatives and members from leading Korean civic groups and North Korean defector organizations will gather in Seoul on August...
보도 자료: 김정은의 전체주의의 길을 가고 있는 베네수엘라 마두로의 부정 선거 개표 규탄 집회
행사 일정: 일시: 2024년 8월 17일 (토) 오후 2시 장소: 서울 광화문 세종문화회관 앞 (지하철 5호선 광화문역 2번출구 건너편) 300 여명의 한국의 여러시민 단체 대표들과...
A Puzzling Propaganda Discrepancy: Kim Jong-un Says the “Republic of Korea” but Others Say “Gwaerae”
South Koreans have a general idea of North Korea’s official name, yet few call it the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.” In fact, many students in South Korean universities’ North Korean studies courses omit the terms “people” or “democracy” when referring to North Korea. This may be intentional since North Korea is clearly not a democracy and doesn’t deserve to use that word in its official title.