Do recent changes presage an imminent wave of mass defections?
When true self-reliance turns on the lights
How media undermines truth-seeking
North Korea adopts the concept of “human rights abuse” for law enforcement training
Why North Koreans would vote for Trump if they could
North Korea’s Internal War Against South Korean Culture and Market Ideas May Be Unwinnable
As the generation of North Koreans who grew up familiar with the jangmadang market system enters adulthood, the state is cracking down harshly to prevent their “impure” attitudes and tastes – which include a preference for South Korean music and movies – from going mainstream.
Women forced into military service face increasing sexual abuse
One party vs. multiple parties
The logging company that functions like a labor camp
Residents complain about Pyongyang’s fancy new apartments
North Korea tries to attract foreign investment
North Korean defectors rally in support of Venezuelan pro-democracy protesters
New policy to bombard North Koreans with information could spark new wave of defections
Ministries under pressure to meet research goals and improve conditions for scientists and engineers
Press Release – South Koreans rally to condemn Maduro’s election fraud in Venezuela, following in the steps of Kim Jong-un’s totalitarianism
보도 자료 (성명서 발표): 김정은의 전체주의의 길을 가고 있는 베네수엘라 마두로의 선거 부정 개표 규탄 시민 대회
Notice of Funding Opportunities: HRF Seeks Projects for Improving Human Rights in North Korea
Evidence of slavery: North Korean workers evaluation
미국 인권재단 2024 북한인권향상 프로젝트 제안서 모집 (마감일 8월 19일, 월요일)
미국 인권재단 (HRF)은 작년에 이어 올해에도 시민단체에 북한 인권 향상을 위한 기금을 지원하게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.
본 기금은 북한 인권 향상을 위해 노력하는 한국 기반 시민단체들과의 파트너십을 통해, 폐쇄 사회에서 인권과 민주주의를 보호하고 증진하는 HRF의 사명에 부합하는 소규모이면서도 효과적인 프로젝트를 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.