Civil defense youth submit petitions for deployment to Russia
How should we interpret China’s occasional release of detained North Korean refugees?
Defectors step up to support soldiers deployed to Russia to escape
Why fight for Russia? Deaths of North Korean officers in Ukraine raises questions about morale
Busting of a smuggling ring in Guangxi Province blocks commonly used North Korean escape routes
North Korean workers investigated for murder after China labor protest
Secret police start annual propaganda performances
North Korea adopts the concept of “human rights abuse” for law enforcement training
Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il Fund, “Using the Dead to Exploit the Living”
Defectors Prefer a Preemptive Strike to Remove Kim Jong Un but Speaking Softly and Carrying a Big Stick is the Wiser Strategy
One of the options for dealing with North Korea’s military provocations is a preemptive strike, on military targets and/or on Kim Jong Un himself. Given what could go wrong, this is a scary idea, especially for those of us living close by in South Korea. It also appears somehow undemocratic or certainly unpeaceful for a democracy to even consider it. Furthermore, why advocate war in a situation where war has been avoided for 70 years?
Secret Police Intensifies Pressure on Defectors’ Families
The secret police in North Korea has increased surveillance and suppression of families of people known to have defected to South Korea. Defectors say they have been receiving more worrying news about their relatives since Kim Jong Un re-framed South Korea as the North’s number one enemy on January 15.
North Korea’s Internal War Against South Korean Culture and Market Ideas May Be Unwinnable
As the generation of North Koreans who grew up familiar with the jangmadang market system enters adulthood, the state is cracking down harshly to prevent their “impure” attitudes and tastes – which include a preference for South Korean music and movies – from going mainstream.
Provincial Governments Tap Wealthy Traders to Donate for Regional Development
Provincial governments are conducting a donation campaign targeting wealthy merchants to fund local development projects, according to sources in North Korea.