US-DPRK Tensions Escalate as They Support Opposing Sides in Two Dangerous Regional Conflicts
In the ongoing armed conflict between Israel and Hamas militants, North Korea has continued to criticize the US for supporting Israel. In an interview with North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), North Korea’s Vice Foreign Minister for International Organizations, Kim Son-gyong, asserted that the United States is an obstacle to international peace and security and should be expelled from the UN.
Tokyo’s High Court Finds North Korea Legally Liable for Duping Ethnic Koreans and Japanese During Paradise on Earth Campaign
Kawasaki Eiko (81), a second-generation Zainichi Korean, and three other plaintiffs are suing the North Korean government in Japan for deceptively luring them to a life of misery in North Korea in the past.
Russia and North Korea Enter Practical Phase of Close Cooperation
On November 14, 2023, North Korean and Russian representatives met in Pyongyang for the 10th Meeting of the Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology.
Russian Universities Collude with North Korean Laborers to Evade UN Sanctions
North Korea has been carrying out an extensive, state-led endeavor to send North Korean laborers to Russia using student visas obtained through corrupt partnerships with Russian universities.
A Puzzling Propaganda Discrepancy: Kim Jong-un Says the “Republic of Korea” but Others Say “Gwaerae”
South Koreans have a general idea of North Korea’s official name, yet few call it the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.” In fact, many students in South Korean universities’ North Korean studies courses omit the terms “people” or “democracy” when referring to North Korea. This may be intentional since North Korea is clearly not a democracy and doesn’t deserve to use that word in its official title.
“I’m Ashamed of My Mom”
“I’m ashamed of my mom!” shouted an elementary school daughter to her mother, who was about to meet her homeroom teacher.
Inside the Kim Regime | Thae Yong-Ho | 2019
Thae Yong-ho lived a privileged life in North Korea as the deputy ambassador to the United Kingdom. But in 2016, he risked everything to defect with his family to find freedom. He is the highest-ranking North Korean to ever escape and one of the fiercest voices against the Kim Jong-un regime today. Watch him at the 2019 Oslo Freedom Forum, where he talks about testifying before governments and the world about how we can end the atrocities committed by the regime.
North Korean Art Sold in China Violates UN Sanctions
Despite violating United Nations sanctions, the Associated Press (AP) reported on November 3, 2023, that North Korean artworks were being sold at an art exhibition in Beijing.